Helpful Information for Designating a Planned Gift to CARE STL
Legal Name: Center for Animal Rescue and Enrichment of St. Louis
Tax ID Number: 83-1080279
Address: 2700 Walnut Place, St. Louis, MO 63103
Planned gifts are critical for a sustainable future that our community pets and people in Saint Louis City deserve. To ensure your philanthropic intentions are achieved, estate planning documentation language must reflect your wishes.
Life insurance policies, retirement-plan accounts – IRAs, 401(k) plans, 403 (b) plans, payable on death, and transfer on death forms with bank or brokerage accounts should use the following language:
I leave [% of estate/$ amount/residue] to the Center for Animal Rescue & Enrichment of St. Louis, a nonprofit corporation (Tax ID 83-1080279) located in the State of Missouri.
Common Examples of Planned Gifts
Beneficiary designations for a percentage or all of IRAs, employer-provided retirement plan accounts and life insurance policies
Will bequests and trust agreements
Payable-on-death designations on bank accounts or for real estate
Transfer-on-death designations on brokerage accounts (where allowed by law)
Charitable gift annuities (gifts to CARE STL in exchange for fixed income for life, with the remainder to CARE STL)
Qualified charitable distributions from IRAs (direct distributions from IRA administrators to CARE STL, depending on current law)
Charitable lead trusts
Professional Guidance
CARE STL is happy to help make sure this donation is used for the purpose you intend. However, CARE STL staff does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide and should not be relied on for tax, legal, or accounting advice. We strongly advise that you seek assistance from an estate planning attorney, financial planner, and/or tax advisor before engaging in any transaction.
For more information and inquiry, please email Weng Horak at