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We are so excited that our city animal control shelter is in the running for the next phase of Reimagining the Workhouse. We can't wait to see our vision become a reality and help the City of St Louis community even more! To make this happen, we kindly ask you to take a moment to complete the survey and choose Animal Control Shelter (page 2 of the survey). By doing so, we can secure our forever home and provide a better life for the dogs in our care. Currently, we have at least 70 dogs in crates, living in them for 23 hours a day, 7 days a week. Seeing them in such conditions breaks our hearts, and we know that a bigger space is needed. The Workhouse is the perfect solution and will enable us to serve our city animals with nowhere to go. Thank you, and we appreciate your support.

Check out some of the pictures of the workhouse. If we can only use those rooms and renovate them as a kennel/apartments, our animals will have more comfortable space than living in crates.


If you are a business owner or know of any businesses that are willing to support us and send a letter of support, please email your support to:

Please make sure to copy when you send your email.

Send a letter of support now.


Below is the information on how many animals we intake in the current shelter. 

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Bubbalou has a few things in mind on our Wishlist Wednesday, and he says thank you very much for thinking of him and his 160++ furry friends currently living at the shelter. 

You will find these items on our Amazon wishlist --

If you could please send them to:
Bubbalou, c/o CARE STL
2700 Walnut Place
St. Louis, MO 63103

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Sip & Shop Sponsorship with CARE STL.png

Entre nuestro refugio y las casas de acogida, actualmente cuidamos a 355 animales, un récord. ¡Con esta enorme cantidad, necesitamos algunos suministros adicionales!

NuestroLista de deseos de Amazon.comfacilita la donación y los artículos nos llegan directamente:

Correas y collares

Purina Lamb & Rice pienso seco para perros adultos

Cajas grandes para acogida 48" ¡Cada artículo está en nuestra lista de deseos si puede ayudar a donar!

¡En CARE STL, los voluntarios se aseguran de que los gatos participen en la locura del enriquecimiento tanto como los perros! Nuestros gatos a menudo van a dar paseos en cochecitos al aire libre, pero esto se trataba de enriquecimiento interior... ¡y nuestros gatos se divirtieron mucho!

A nuestra voluntaria Georgia se le ocurrió esta maravillosa y fácil idea para nuestros gatos y creó baldes llenos de hierbas, incluyendo hierba gatera y lavanda. A los gatos les encantaron los olores, saltaron a los cubos, rodaron y ¡ronroneó en abundancia!

¡Se el primero en saberlo!

¡Gracias por suscribirte!

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