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Image by Bodi.raw

Comprar a #difundeelcuidado

¡Ayudar a proporcionar fondos para salvar vidas a los animales de la ciudad de St. Louis es tan simple como comprar en línea! Tú compras, ellos regalan.

Tenemos varios proveedores en línea que devuelven porcentajes de sus compras a CARE.


CARE STL Gift Shop

Find some CARE gear in our gift shop! We have everything from t-shirts and hoodies to bags, hats, and water bottles so you can wear your love for CARE.

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The Farmer's Dog x Wooftrax

CARE receives a $15 donation for each order placed.

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Little Beast Co

Use the promo code ICARESTL and Little Beast Co will donate 10% of the order amount and you'll receive a 10% discount on your order.


Gracie Jane Pet Boutique

CARE receives 10% of sales sold using the code "carestl".



Kuoser donates 20% of proceeds to CARE. They provide pet apparel, pet toys, pet leashes, pet beds, and anything else that help pets live happy lives.

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